Hi there! My name is Shaun Bagnall and i am currently a undergraduate studying Architectural Technology at Nottingham Trent University. I have set up this blog so i can share my experiences of the course and what the university/student life is really like. Enjoy!

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Term 2 Review

Sunday, March 30, 2014 Posted by Unknown No comments
As I did for the first term, I would like to talk about how this second term has gone in terms of work and also socially.

This term, the work load has certainly increased compared to that of first term. First term it seems that the work was just to ease us into the way of life of university and the work demand. However this term the deadlines have seemed to flow thick and fast, meaning I’ve had to be better with my time-management. I personally have found the work load manageable and haven’t had any sleepless nights; I am truthfully trying to avoid them as much as I can! With the increased work load it has meant that there hasn’t been as many nights out as there were in first term; as much as we haven’t had nights out in our group we try to fit in little meals and trips to the pub when we can.

I would have to admit that my most enjoyable piece of work I have done is the House Extension project. I found it very entertaining just to think that my design could become a real life project and could be there for the foreseeable future. I also loved the design element of the project; even though we had to design our ‘Make and Break’ group project and small amounts of the ‘LifeBox’, it wasn’t the same as this. In this project we had an open design brief, we could look at traditional, modern and advanced technologies to incorporate them into our extension and design an exclusive extension (see my ‘House Extension Review’ blog post to learn more about the project, what I enjoyed and my final

This term, unlike last term, there has been a piece of work which I haven’t enjoyed as much as the rest; the Hand Drawings Portfolio for Design Communications. I believe that there could have been changes made which would have made the work a lot more enjoyable to me and my cohort. The project was a drawing portfolio which seemed to be dragged out, and the work towards the end was not helping in the development of our course; more the Architecture and Interior Designer courses.

I have to admit that these last 12 weeks have flown by and I cannot believe that there are only the 5 weeks left until the end of the year. We have been given our final project titled ‘Pop-Up Kitchen’ which will be similar to the house extension project (working for a real client of a live project). I am looking forward to it very much, but first, a two week Easter back at home.


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