Hi there! My name is Shaun Bagnall and i am currently a undergraduate studying Architectural Technology at Nottingham Trent University. I have set up this blog so i can share my experiences of the course and what the university/student life is really like. Enjoy!

Friday, 25 October 2013

Task 2. Academic Writing and Plagiarism

Friday, October 25, 2013 Posted by Unknown No comments
1.    Is critical thinking about being critical in the usual sense of being negative, or is it about “thoughtful thinking”? Please explain.

In my opinion, I believe that the definition of critical thinking is thoroughly based on “thoughtful thinking” more than a sense of being negative. Critical thinking is about taking an idea and challenging it, looking at the wider spectrum of the idea to consider the different approaches towards that initial idea. Critical thinking may contain a personal view with a past event or experience thought of when challenging the idea and used to evaluate different avenues of approaches within the critical thinking, however different sources of information need to be seen as important as a personal opinion/event. A person must look at all of the facts present, using time to develop their own analysis and finally, a conclusion on the idea.  

2.    After reading Jennifer Moon’s chapter, do you think you knew what critical thinking was? Do you think you could use critical thinking as a learning tool?

Before reading Jennifer Moon’s chapter, I believed that I had a high perception on what the meaning of “critical thinking”, while reading this chapter, I felt it reinforced the knowledge that I already obtain on the matter. Previously I had done several of my own art papers which involved critical thinking; engaging myself in a piece of work, looking at the facts surrounding the work and producing my own conclusion and evaluation of the work. I do believe that critical thinking can be used a very powerful and knowledgeable tool, especially in the working environment. Critical thinking engages a person to not just summarise an idea quickly, but to take the time to first think about it the idea and challenge it with different approaches.

3.    Write a short report on plagiarism based on the following literal quote:
“Plagiarism is intellectual theft” (Breach, 2009, 124).  Please finish your report by including your own experience regarding plagiarism and using a reference system. Were you aware of the relevance of acknowledging sources?

I see plagiarism as a person’s sluggish nature shining, someone who has been overcome by laziness. I strong agree with Mark Breach’s quote “Plagiarism is intellectual theft” (Breach, 2009, 124). Plagiarism is a game played by the foolish and mindless, not thinking of the consequences of their actions. There are many sources on offer which people use and plagiarise, these ranges from the use of the internet and web sources, or just reading a friends essay and copying it. Within plagiarism itself, it is not just the simple act of copying and pasting the work made by another person, it can also be just taking the ideals and process of another to a finished product. Also plagiarism is a two way game, it is said to be plagiarism when someone copies your work, however if you let someone, with your authority, use and copy your work, you are also guilty of the act of plagiarism. While producing my own work In previous years, I have always tried to think outside of the box with broad-area subjects and therefore, i hold my morals to not let anyone copy my work nor copy anyone else’s. While doing critical thinking assignments in previous years I have used a basic numeral reference system, ending each reference within my work with a bracketed number (ie. [1]), which I would then then, at the end of the assignment, fully detail the source of the reference. 


Mark Breach, 2008. Dissertation Writing for Engineers and Scientists [ebook]. Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2008. Chapter 8. Available at: http://ntu-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_library/libweb/action/display.do?tabs=detailsTab&ct=display&fn=search&doc=NTU_LMS_DS000454352&indx=5&recIds=NTU_LMS_DS000454352&recIdxs=4&elementId=4&renderMode=poppedOut&displayMode=full&frbrVersion=&dscnt=3&frbg=&tab=all&dstmp=1399308580411&mode=Basic&dum=true&fromLogin=true&vl(1UIStartWith0)=contains&vl(6020383UI0)=any&vl(freeText0)=mark%20breach&vid=NTU_VU4 [25th October 2013]

Jennifer Moon, 2009. Critical Thinking:an Exploration of Theory and Practise [ebook]. Routledge,  2008. Chapter 2. Available at: http://ntu-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_library/libweb/action/display.do?tabs=detailsTab&ct=display&fn=search&doc=NTU_LMS_DS000484390&indx=1&recIds=NTU_LMS_DS000484390&recIdxs=0&elementId=0&renderMode=poppedOut&displayMode=full&frbrVersion=&fctN=facet_frbrgroupid&dscnt=0&rfnGrp=frbr&origsort=Relevance&frbg=937698&scp.scps=scope%3A%28NTU%29%2Cprimo_central_multiple_fe&fctV=937698&tab=all&dstmp=1399308952594&srt=date&cs=frb&mode=Basic&lastPagIndx=1&dum=true&lastPag=&tb=t&frbrSrt=date&vl(freeText0)=Critical%20Thinking%3A%20an%20exploration%20of%20theory%20and%20practice&vid=NTU_VU4 [25th October 2013]

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Task 1: Phenomenology

Saturday, October 19, 2013 Posted by Unknown No comments
The Hand and Heart Pub (65-67 Derby Road, Nottingham, NG1 5BA)

The Hand and Heart Pub is an extraordinary building, one which I have not seen living back home on the Wirral. The pub, being built into the sandstone rock, produces a very vintage vibe when you enter. At first your eyes can’t quite adjust to the non-reflective sandstone walls of the ground floor, however this complete opposite compared to when you go upstairs. The back of the first floor is still built out into the rock; however it all opens up when coming to the front (overlooking Derby Road). The upstairs is made up of very reflective materials and colours (i.e. baby blue walls and marble tables) which helps with the huge amounts of light coming through the wall of windows and window light in the roof. Even with all this light, the vintage feel is kept with decorative ornaments in the open area and wooden furniture.

Fig 2. Interior of First Floor (Bagnall, 2013)
Fig 1,Open Extension with Hollow Window Frames
(Bagnall, 2013)

Park Tunnel

With living in Nottingham for just over a year now I have only heard whispers of Park Tunnel, tucked away in the Ropewalk area and hidden under all the residential homes within the area. Once you find the very subtle and steep stairway down to the Park Tunnel itself, it feels like you have become 10 times smaller in size, in a world you aren’t quite comfortable in. The tunnel is a masterpiece in itself. Looking down the tunnel towards the residential area full of greenery and brick houses, you sense you are in a different world to that which is only a couple of hundred meters away. The sheer size and quietness you experience when down there by yourself is spooky.

Fig 3. Park Tunnel Panoramic (Bagnall, 2013)
Fig 4. Park Tunnel (Bagnall, 2013)

The Malt Cross (16 St James’ Street, Nottingham, NG1 6FG)

Walking into the Malt Cross pub, it seems you have stepped through a time warp. The interior still has some of its Victorian roots from which it was built.  The hollow upstairs seating area makes the internal area seem larger than it really is, and this is emphasised by the curved glass roof which seems to absorb the light from outside and reflects it within all round. I personally like the furnishing and finishes within; the strong use of timber for the floors and also the balustrades, timber topped with their decorative iron balusters, really produces a sense of class and elegance.

Fig 5. Interior of First Floor
(Bagnall, 2013)
Fig 6. Malt Cross Curved Roof (Bagnall, 2013)

 1.     Use a Dictionary of Philosophy to help you to write one paragraph about your understanding of phenomenology. Think particularly about how it relates to architecture and design. Try to find concrete examples to illustrate your description.

I understand phenomenology to be the learning and understanding of various different concepts and appearances. In relationship to architecture and design, I see phenomenology as exploring what the architectural differences are between didn’t styles which have been present throughout history and understanding why these styles were adopted.

2.     Take one quote from the ‘Place’ text and write about what you think it means and why it is important to you

“First of all we may point out that any place ought to have the ‘capacity’ of the receiving different ‘contents’, naturally within the certain limits. A place which is only fitted for one particular purpose would soon become useless.” (Norberg-Schulz, 1980, pp. 18)

In this section of the text, he is stating that a building built for one purpose is not one which can have a long lifespan. In the modern day, the environment and the way we live is changing every day, therefore I agree that building have to be built to serve multiple purposes within (such as a domestic home) if not adapt. 


Fig 1. Shaun Bagnall, 2013. Open extension with hollow framed windows. Photograph taken: 16th October 2013

Fig 2. Shaun Bagnall, 2013. Interior of First Floor. Sketch drawn: 18th October 2013

Fig 3. Shaun Bagnall, 2013. Park Tunnel Panoramic. Photograph taken: 16th October 2013

Fig 4. Shaun Bagnall, 2013. Park Tunnel. Sketch drawn: 18th October 2013 

Fig 5. Shaun Bagnall, 2013. Interior of First Floor. Photograph taken: 16th October 2013

Fig 6. Shaun Bagnall, 2013. Malt Cross Curved Roof. Sketch drawn: 18th October 2013 

Pallasmaa, Juhani, “Multi-Sensory Experience”, from The Eyes of the Skin:
architecture and the senses, Chichester, Wiley-Academy, 2005, pp. 41-46, Available at: NOW. [Accessed 19th October 2013].

Norberg-Schulz, Christian, “Place”, from Genius Loci: towards a Phenomenology of Architecture, London, Academy Editions, 1980, pp. 18. Available at: http://database.emrearolat.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Genius-Loci-Towards-a-Phenomenology-of-Architecture.PART1_.pdf [Accessed 19th October 2013].

Smith, D. (2003). Phenomenology. [online] Plato.stanford.edu. Available at: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/phenomenology/ [Accessed 19th October 2013].

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Famous People of Nottingham

Saturday, October 12, 2013 Posted by Unknown No comments
As an initial task in the introduction to NTU and Nottingham City, I have decided to reach famous figures through time who are linked with and/or come from Nottingham itself.


Born: 24th of January 1870

Died: 22nd October 1916 (aged 46)
As a football fanatic myself, Herbert Kilpin is a person who caught my eye while researching. Kilpin was part of a particularly large family consisting of 9 brothers and sisters. As a young child he worked in the Nottingham Lace Market as an assistant, while also playing for the original Notts Olympic football team. In 1891 (aged 21) Herbert moved to Italy to work with Italian-Swiss textile merchant Edoardo Bosio. Bosio work as a textile merchant was in collaboration with the Nottingham Lace Warehouse.
In the same year, Bosio founded the first Italian football club, Internazional Torino FC where Herbert Kilpin played as a midfielder. It is thought that Kilpin was the very first Englishmen to play football outside of the United Kingdom. In 1898, Kilpin finally left Turin for Milan with a fellow Englishman named Samuel Richard Davis. A year later the two together became two of the charter founders of the football club known today as AC Milan.


Born: 1721 (Exact Date Unknown)
Died: 17th June 1798
Thomas Sandby is best known for his work in architect and draughtsman. In 1769 he became one of the many founding members of the Royal Academy of Arts. Before this academy was formed, he and his brother Paul Sandby ran a drawing academy in Nottingham.
In 1743, Thomas was personally appointed by the Duke of Cumberland, William Augustus, as his private secretary and draughtsman.  The most famous piece of work that Thomas Sandby has been remembered for is the architectural commissioned design of the first Freemason building located on Great Queen Street, Central London.

Favourite Buildings in Nottingham

Saturday, October 12, 2013 Posted by Unknown No comments
As I have previously mentioned, I have lived in Nottingham as a student for just a little over a year now already, therefore the city isn’t unknown to me. Living in Lenton last year and now the Lace Market, I have explored the majority of the city and also its suburbs. With saying this, I find that Nottingham is rich in its landmarks and architectural culture (from the modern Nottingham Contemporary building to the Art Deco styles seen on the current YMCA building). Nevertheless, there is one building which I personally would say is my favourite building within Nottingham, this building was one of the first Boots Chemists opened in the country, although now it is known as being the building owned by Zara.

Fig 1. Zara (Bagnall, 2013)
There are many building which I could of chosen from, however in my opinion the now Zara building is the most striking of them all. As mentioned before, this building was originally a Boots chemist, built in 1904 in a very common Art Nouveau style by architect, Albert Nelson Bromley (ArtDecoFairs, 2010). Albert Nelson Bromley was a Scottish architect who was based in Nottingham and was the leading architect to the Boots the chemist (DictionaryofScottishArchitects, 2013).

The Zara building itself sits in the shadow of the Nottingham Council House, and some would argue that the council house is the most interesting building within Nottingham city centre because of its stature and size; however I believe that the Zara building is one which is shines in the shadow. The style, as mentioned, is that of Art Nouveau, which was common style used in late 19th-early 20th century in major cities. Its features include extreme use of curves and arches, mosaics and stained glass (Jackie Craven, 2013). If we relate this to the building itself, we can see these very common Art Nouveau styled features such as the heavy use of curves and arches (as seen by the windows) and also asymmetrical shaping towards the aesthetic of the building (Craven, 2013).

As previously stated in a previous blog, since returning I have come back to the completion of the new Students Union building (Byron), and it is another building within Nottingham which I admire. The new building is fitting with the recent regeneration of Nottingham Trent University, as a whole the campus reflects the evolving students which it houses, providing a futuristic style with the use of advanced engineering and unique aesthetics.


 ArtDecoFairs, 2010. Nottingham Art Deco Fairs. Uk Art Deco. Available at http://www.artdecofairs.co.uk/Counties/006P/Nottinghamshire [12th October 2014]

DictionaryofScottishArchitects, 2013. DSA Biography Report. Dictionary of Scottish Architects. Available at http://www.scottisharchitects.org.uk/architect_full.php?id=205070 [12th October 2014]

Fig 1. Shaun Bagnall. Zara building. Photograph taken 11th October 2013.

Jackie Craven, 2013. Art Nouveau Architecture. About.com. Available at http://architecture.about.com/od/artnouveau/g/artnouveau.htm [12th October 2014]